Center for High Pressure Science &Technology Advanced Research

HPSTAR’s Fellows


Tenured & Tenure-track (specialist) Staff Scientists

HPSTAR seeks dedicated and creative scientists to pursue world-leading research in high-pressure science and technology. Applicant's qualifications and pay scale will be commensurate to tenure-track and tenured faculty positions at the world's top universities. HPSTAR emphasizes interdisciplinary experimental and theoretical research programs spanning physicschemistrymaterials science, geoscience, and planetary science.


Specialist Associate Staff Scientists

HPSTAR seeks Associate Staff Scientist to develop high-pressure related techniques. Applicants must demonstrate at least two years of experience at postdoctoral level, a strong interest in scientific techniques, and the potential to design and build pressure-related apparatus and methods. Successful applicants will still have ~20% time to pursue their research interests outside their core technique development role.



HPSTAR seeks technicians to aid with daily technical support, maintenance, and training across our three centers. Applicants with a bachelor's or master's degree and experience in high-pressure-related techniques are encouraged to apply for this position.


Applications must include CV, research statement, and at least three references to be submitted by email to HPSTAR HR (tingting.shen@hpstar.ac.cn).


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