Center for High Pressure Science &Technology Advanced Research
03 22,2019
Title: Heat Conduction at Atomistic Scale: a theoretical physicist’s perspective and applications in high-pressure mineral physics
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02 26,2019
Title: High pressure synthesis of polymorphic phase of Boron Nitride to realize their potentials as super-hard and wide-bandgap materials
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01 25,2019
Title: Infrared spectroscopy at high pressures
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01 18,2019
Title: Thermal Conductivity of Geometric Frustration Materials at Low Temperature
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01 14,2019
Title: Physical and Chemical Properties of the Interior of the Moon
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01 10,2019
Title: Novel hydrogen and helium compunds under pressure
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11 21,2018
Title: High temperature superconductivity in lanthanum polyhydride LaHx
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11 14,2018
Title: Towards Understanding and Engineering of Perovskites via High Pressure for Photovoltaic and Photoelectric Applications
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11 14,2018
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11 12,2018
Title: High / low temperature controls and time resolved experiments in diamond anvil cell -developments by HPCAT and DAC Tools
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11 08,2018
Title: Advanced synchrotron techniques, sample environments and supporting facilities for high-pressure high/low temperature research at HPCAT, APS
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11 07,2018
Title: Experimental Simulations of Planetary Interiors
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11 05,2018
Title: Silver fluorides hosting immensely strong superexchange as candidates for novel superconductors
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10 24,2018
Title: High-energy X-ray Techniques and Their Applications in SPring-8
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10 22,2018
Title: Opportunities for Research at the Canadian Light Source XAS: A Molecular Scale Approach
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10 12,2018
Title: Photoemission studies of high-temperature superconductors under mechanical strain
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08 21,2018
Title: Fabrication and thermoelectric properties of electronegative guests filled CoSb3-based skutterudites
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