Dr. Cedomir Petrovic [Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA]
Title: Exploratory Synthesis and Novel Materials Discovery
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 PM, Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Place: Conference Room 6-410, HPSTAR (Shanghai)
Polycom call #: 02120004
Host: Dr. Bin Chen
Since the times of Bernd Matthias exploratory synthesis and characterization has been pushing the boundaries of materials physics. In my presentation I will briefly go over some notable historical examples. These include CeMnIn5(M=Co,Rh,Ir) compounds where superconductivity was discovered in a high-pressure experiment or electron-phonon superconductivity in MgB2. I will also illustrate how exploratory synthesis enables insight into inelastic neutron scattering in heavy fermion materials and will show how synthesis-induced metal-insulator transition in new narrow gap semiconductors leads to the largest thermoelectric power factor in nature. Then, in more details, I will focus on the crystallographic aspects of phase separation, pair breaking mechanism and the normal state above the Hc2 in binary and ternary iron selenide superconductors in extreme conditions of high magnetic fields as T → 0.
Biography of the Speaker
Prof. Cedomir Petrovic received his BS from University of Belgrade, Serbia in 1996 and his MS and Ph.D fromFlorida State University, in 1997 and 2000, respectively, both in physics. In 2000-2002, he did postdoctoral research in the Ames Lab, Iowa State University. He joined Brookhaven National Lab in 2002 as an assistant physicist. He got his tenure in 2008. In the meanwhile, he is also affiliated with Johns Hopkins University andCanadian Institute for Advanced Research.
At BNL, Dr. Petrovic has established and is leading new exploratory materials synthesis and characterization laboratory. The focus of his research is design, discovery, synthesis and characterization of new model materials for condensed matter physics. Particular emphasis is devoted to the discovery of new phenomena associated with correlated electron behavior and problems in superconductivity and magnetism.
Prof. Petrovic has published ~200 papers that have received over 10,000 citations with h index of 43. More information can be found at https://www.bnl.gov/energy/ces/cv/petrovic.asp.