Dr. Zhipeng Gao [Institute of Fluid Physics, CAEP]
[Associated Professor, Institute of Fluid Physics, China Academy of Engineering Physics]
Title: Ferroelectrics with Super High Curie Point
Time: 14:00 - 15:30, August 28
Place: Auditorium Room 410, Building 6, HPSTAR (Shanghai)
High-temperature sensing technology is of major importance to the chemical and material processing, automotive, aerospace, and power generating industries. Electromechanical transducing materials are required to sense strains, vibrations, and noise under severe thermal conditions. Among the different types of acoustic and strain sensors, piezoelectrics are the best candidates when one considers sensitivity, cost, and design. Though many high temperature piezoelectric compounds were developed, actually, when an operating temperature of above 750 ºC is required, there is no suitable commercial piezoelectric material available. In this research, the perovskite-like layer-structured (PLS) ferroelectrics were fabricated, which have super high Curie point (Tc) and can potentially operate above 1000 ºC. The ceramics could be textured by two-step sintering. The ferroelectric activity of PLS was for the first time measured on the ceramics. The displacement model was used to calculate the spontaneous polarization of PLS. This research opens a new door for the ferroelectric sensing materials working above 1000 ºC.
Biography of the speaker:
Dr. Zhipeng Gao was graduated from Queen Mary University at 2012 and working as a post – doc in Nanoforce center in London from 2012 to 2014. He joined in Institute of Fluid Physics since 2014.
His current research activity concerns:
1. The phase transition of PLS ferroelectrics.
2. The electric and magnetic properties of materials at extreme environment.
3. The processing of materials with multi-fields.