Director Ho-kwang Mao at ACHPR-7
Director Ho-kwang Mao joined the 7th AsianConference on High Pressure Research (ACHPR-7) held at Chulalongkorn Universityin Bangkok, Thailand from January 16 to 18, 2015.
Dr. Mao presented a plenary lecture titled "High Pressure - A New Dimension in Physics,Chemistry, Earth and Materials Sciences" at the conference.
The Asian Conference on High Pressure Research (ACHPR) meetsonce every two years. Previously, ACHPR has met in Dunhuang of China (1st), Nara of Japan (2nd), Lijiang of China (3rd), Seoul of Korea (4th), Matsuo ofJapan (5th), and Beijing of China (6th). High pressure researches have important roles in a wide range of scientific fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, geophysics and planetary science, food science, etc. The ACHPR 7 provided excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary discussions, and international networks and collaborations to facilitate worldwide and especially Asia-wide scientific exchange of views on the progress of modern high pressure science and technology.