Selected Publications:
1) Yang Lu, Shengcai Zhu, Eugene Huang, Yu He, Jiaji Ruan, Gang Liu, and Hao Yan*, “Pressure-Driven Band Gap Engineering in Ion-Conducting Semiconductor Silver Orthophosphate.” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7, no. 9, 4451, 2019.
Front cover paper. Themed collection of 2017 JMCA HOT papers.
2) Lu, Yang, Zi Wei, Nilesh P. Salke, Lu Yu, and Hao Yan. “Enhanced Electron Transport in Rutile TiO2 Nanowires via H2S-Assisted Incorporation of Dissolved Silicon for Solar-Driven Water Splitting.” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 244, 767-772, 2019.
3) Ruan, Jiaji, Kunyapat Thummavichai, Yang Lu, Yanqiu Zhu, and Hao Yan*. “Phase Transition and Optical Absorption Evolution of WO3 Nanoparticles Induced by Pressure.” Materials Research Express, 5, no. 7, 075015, 2018.
4) Yamanaka, Takamitsu, Muhtar Ahart, Ho-kwang Mao, and Hao Yan. “New High-Pressure Tetragonal Polymorphs of SrTiO3 —Molecular Orbital and Raman Band Change under Pressure.” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30, no. 26, 265401, 2018.
5) Yu, Zhenhai, Ming Xu, Zhipeng Yan, Hao Yan, Jinggeng Zhao, Umeshkumar Patel, Dale L. Brewe, et al. “Pressure-Induced Isostructural Phase Transition and Charge Transfer in Superconducting FeSe.” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 767, 811, 2018.
6) Kemin Gu, Hao Yan, Feng Ke, Wen Deng, Jianing Xu, and Bin Chen, “Pressure-induced electrical transport anomaly, structure evolution and vibration change in layered material 1T-TiTe2.” Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 32, no. 6: 61101, 2018.
7) Xiaoyang Li, Yang Lu, and Hao Yan*, Electrical Transport Properties of Hexagonal TaSi2 Crystals Based on Structural Stability under High Pressure.” Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics,32, 21102, 2018.
8) Chunyu Li, Zhenhai Yu, Wenli Bi, Jiyong Zhao, Michael Y. Hu, Jinggeng Zhao, Wei Wu, Jianlin Luo and Hao Yan*. “High-Pressure Synchrotron Mössbauer and X-Ray Diffraction Studies: Exploring the Structure-Related Valence Fluctuation in EuNi2P2.” Physica B: Condensed Matter, 501, 101, 2016.
9) Chunyu Li, Jinggeng Zhao, Qingyang Hu, Zhiguo Liu, Zhenhai Yu, and Hao Yan*. “Crystal Structure and Transporting Properties of Bi2S3 under High Pressure: Experimental and Theoretical Studies.” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 688, Part A, 329, 2016.
10) Chunyu Li, Feng Ke, Qingyang Hu, Zhenhai Yu, Jinggeng Zhao, Zhiqiang Chen, and Hao Yan*, “Correlated Structural and Electronic Phase Transformations in Transition Metal Chalcogenide under High Pressure”, Journal of Applied Physics, 119, no. 13: 135901, 2016.
11) R.A. Mayanovic, Hao Yan, A.D. Brandt, Z. Wang, M. Mandal, K. Landskron, and W. A. Bassett, “Mechanical and Hydrothermal Stability of Mesoporous Materials at Extreme Conditions.” Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 195, 161, 2014.
12) A.J. Anderson, Hao Yan, R.A. Mayanovic, G. Solferino, and C.J. Benmore, “High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction of a Hydrous Silicate Liquid under Conditions of High Pressure and Temperature in a Modified Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell.” High Pressure Research, 34, no. 1, 100-109, 2014.
13) Hao Yan, R.A. Mayanovic, J.W. Demster, and A.J. Anderson, “In Situ Monitoring of the Adsorption of Co2+ on the Surface of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles in High-Temperature Aqueous Fluids.” The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 81, 175, 2013.
14) R.A. Mayanovic, Hao Yan, A.J. Anderson, and G. Solferino, “Investigation of the Structural Environment of Ta in a Silicate Glass and Water System under High P–T Conditions.” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 368, 71, 2013.
15) R.A. Mayanovic, Hao Yan, A.J. Anderson, P.R. Meredith, and W.A. Bassett, “In Situ X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopic Study of the Adsorption of Ni2+ on Fe3O4 Nanoparticles in Supercritical Aqueous Fluids.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116, 2218-25, 2012.
16) Hao Yan, R. A. Mayanovic, J. Demster and A. J. Anderson, “In situ XANES Study of Co2+ Ion Adsorption on Fe3O4 Nanoparticles in Supercritical Aqueous Fluids.” MRS Proceedings, 1383, mrsf11-1383-a07-10, 2012.
17) Hao Yan, R.A. Mayanovic, A.J. Anderson, P.R. Meredith, “An in situ x-ray spectroscopic study of Mo6+ speciation in supercritical aqueous solutions.” Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 649, 207, 2011.
18) Hao Yan, S. Cingarapu, K. J. Klabunde, A. Chakrabarti, and C. M. Sorensen, “Nucleation of Gold Nanoparticle Superclusters from Solution.” Physical Review Letters, 102, 095501, 2009.
19) I. Podariu, Hao Yan, C.M. Sorensen, and A. Chakrabarti, “Modeling Arrested Cluster Growth in Quenched Nanoparticle Solutions.” The Journal of Chemical Physics, 129, 034706, 2008.