Group News and Events
1May, 2016, Sunday.
Professor Tian Gao of SHIEP visited NCP for research collaboration discussion.
30April, 2016, Saturday.
He Li joined NCP as a new Ph.D. student. Welcome!
4April, 2016, Monday.
Several members of NCP met with Professor Raymond Jeanloz at UC Berkeley for research collaboration discussion.
27March, 2016, Sunday.
Several members of NCP started an experimental trip to ALS and UC Berkeley.
24March, 2016, Thursday.
Drs. Bin Chen and Feng Ke met with Dr.Viktor Struzhkin of Carnegie Institution of Washington for research collaboration discussion.
14March, 2016, Monday.
Dr. Ed Gerstner (the executive editor for NATURE journals in Greater China), Dr. Joerg Heber (the executive editor for NATURE Communications) and Dr. Wei Fan (the editor of Nature Communications)visited the Shanghai Lab of HPSTAR.. Feng Ke and Xiaoling Zhou of NCP presented their research work to the editors.
12March, 2016, Saturday.
Wen Deng, Lingkong Zhang, He Li, and YanjuWang were interviewed as the Ph.D. student applicants to NCP.
1March, 2016, Tuesday.
Yunqi Gong joined NCP as a new master graduate. Welcome!
16Feb, 2016, Tuesday.
Dr. Bin Chen met with Dr. Steve Kevan,Deputy Director of ALS, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, US and discussed the potential high pressure IR collaboration. Xiaoling Zhou of NCP, who won the ALS Doctoral Fellowship in residence of 2015, joined the meeting.
12Feb, 2016, Friday.
Several members of NCP met with Professor Rudy Wenk at UC Berkeley for research collaboration discussion.
15Jan, 2016, Friday.
Dr. Ning Dai, Deputy Director of SITP,visited NCP for research collaboration discussion. Ph.D. student of SITP, Hajra Saqib, joined NCP as a student of SITP-HPSTAR jointed program. Welcome!