Welcome to High Pressure Energy materials group!
Our research is focused on using various high pressure techniques to understand the structure and properties of energy-rlated materials and group-14 elements (carbon, silicon, germanium, and related materials) under extremeconditions; synthesis of novel super-hard materials; mechanical properties and deformation of materials.
Diamond can be amorphous: from scenario to reality
AUGUST 22, 2017 — A team led by HPSTAR scientist, Dr. Zhidan Zeng synthesizes a new form of carbon—“amorphous diamond”—under high pressure and temperature (HPHT). This bulk amorphous diamond obtained under HPHT can be maintained to ambient conditions for potential applications, realizing possible the hardest amorphous (glass) material ever discovered. This work is recently published as an article by Nature Communications (Synthesis of quenchable amorphous diamond. Nature Communications, 2017).
金刚石是天然存在的硬度最高的材料,同时还具有最高的弹性模量(体模量),最高的原子密度、最高的热导率等优异性质。这些优异性能和其特殊结构有关。本研究采用玻璃碳(glassy carbon)作为起始材料,利用高压原位激光加温技术首次成功合成了块体状的100% sp3 共价键的新型非晶态碳材料。通过同步辐射x 射线衍射、高分辨电子显微镜及电子能量损失谱等多种实验手段,一致证明这种新型碳材料具有典型非晶态结构,且材料内部所有碳原子间的共价键都是sp3 键,因而是真正的“非晶态金刚石”。非晶态金刚石的合成说明金刚石并不是唯一的全部碳原子都以sp3 键结合的碳材料,改变了我们对碳材料的传统认知。“非晶态金刚石”由于其无序的原子结构而具备非晶材料各向同性的特点,且材料内部不存在晶界、位错等传统晶体缺陷,又因高强度sp3 共价键的存在而很可能具备接近甚至超越单晶金刚石的优异性能(高压原位同步辐射x 射线衍射实验已经证实其体模量高于金刚石),作为一种新型的超硬材料,可能在众多科学技术领域取得重要应用。
PI: Dr. Zhidan Zeng is a staff scientist at Shanghai Laboratory of HPSTAR. Dr. Zeng earned her B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at Zhejiang University in 2006, and her Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering at Zhejiang University in 2011.
Her research interest is using various high pressure techniques to understand the structure and properties of group-14 elements (carbon, silicon, germanium, and related materials) and energy related materials under extreme conditions; synthesis of novel super-hard materials; mechanical properties and deformation of materials. Dr. Zeng has published more than 30 papers in international journals including Nature Communications, Phys. Rev. Letts., PNAS, Advanced Energy Materials, and Nano Energy, etc.
研究聚焦于面向碳材料、硅材料等重要能源材料领域的基础科研问题,利用先进的高压、高/低温原位同步辐射X射线技术结合其他先进的材料表征技术,研究材料在极端环境下的结构和性质转变,探索高压下新材料的合成。在国内外多个同步辐射光源(例如:美国先进光源ALS、阿贡国家实验室先进光子源APS、欧洲同步辐射光源ESRF、日本同步辐射光源Spring-8、上海同步辐射光源等)有丰富的研究经验,近年来取得了一系列开创性成果,在Nature, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, PNAS, Advanced Energy Materials, Nano Energy, Physical Review B, Applied Physics Letters等国际权威期刊发表论文数十篇,引用一千二百余次。
Contact information:
Email: zengzd@hpstar.ac.cn
Phone: +86 (21) 8017-7093
Address: 上海市浦东区蔡伦路1690号6号楼304室,邮编201203
Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research(HPSTAR)
1690 Cailun Rd, Bldg 6, Room 304,Pudong, Shanghai 201203, China
Selected publications:
1. Zhidan Zeng, Jianguo Wen, Hongbo Lou, Xin Zhang, Liuxiang Yang, Lijie Tan, Benyuan Cheng, Xiaobing Zuo, Wenge Yang, Wendy L. Mao*, Ho-kwang Mao*, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Preservation of high-pressure volatiles in nanostructured diamond capsules, Nature, 608, 513 (2022).
2. Zhidan Zeng*, Qiaoshi Zeng, Mingyuan Ge, Bin Chen, Hongbo Lou, Xiehang Chen, Jinyuan Yan, Wenge Yang, Ho-kwang Mao, Deren Yang, Wendy L. Mao, Origin of plasticity in nanostructured silicon, Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 185701 (2020)
3. Zhidan Zeng*, Hongwei Sheng, Liuxiang Yang, Hongbo Lou, Lijie Tan, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Qiaoshi Zeng,Structural transition in cold-compressed glassy carbon,Phys. Rev. Mater., 3, 033608 (2019)
4. Zhidan Zeng, Liuxiang Yang, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Hongbo Lou, Hongwei Sheng, Jianguo Wen*, Dean J. Miller, Yue Meng, Wenge Yang, Wendy L. Mao, and Ho-kwang Mao*, Synthesis of quenchable amorphous diamond, Nat. Commun., 8, 322 (2017).
5. Hongbo Lou, Zhidan Zeng, Fei Zhang, Songyi Chen, Peng Luo, Xiehang Chen, Yang Ren, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Clemens Prescher, Xiaobing Zuo, Jianguo Wen, Weihua Wang, Hongwei Shen, Q.S. Zeng*, Two-way tuning of structural ordering states in a metallic glass, Nat. Commun.,11, 314 (2020)
6. Zhidan Zeng, Nian Liu, Qiaoshi Zeng, Seok Woo Lee, Wendy L. Mao*, and Yi Cui*, In situ measurement of lithiation-induced stress in silicon nanoparticles using micro-Raman spectroscopy, Nano Energy, 22, 105 (2016).
7. Zhidan Zeng*, Qingfeng Zeng, Nian Liu, Artem R. Oganov, Qiaoshi Zeng, Yi Cui, and Wendy L. Mao*, A novel phase of Li15Si4 synthesized under pressure, Adv. Energy Mater., 5, 1500214 (2015).
Preservation of the high-pressure states of materials at ambient conditions is a long-sought-after goal for fundamental research and practical applications. A team of scientists led by Drs. Zhidan (Denise) Zeng, Qiaoshi Zeng, and Ho-Kwang Mao from the Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR) and Prof. Wendy Mao from Stanford University report an innovative breakthrough where they were able to maintain the extraordinary properties of high-pressure materials in free-standing, nanostructured diamond capsules without the support of traditional bulky pressure vessels. Their work was recently published in Nature.
Caption: A perspective cartoon drawing of nanostructured diamond capsules (NDCs) with high-pressure argon nanodomains embedded in the matrix. Modern diagnostic probes such as hard/soft x-ray, ultraviolet-visible-infrared light, electron, and neutron beams are all applicable to the NDCs samples for investigations.
"将高压下产生的各种新奇物理、化学现象保留到常压”一直是基础研究和材料应用领域的一个长期追求的梦想。最近,北京高压科学研究中心曾桥石研究员带领的研究团队朝着这一梦想取得了里程碑式突破 ¾ 他们制备了一种金刚石构成的纳米压力舱复合材料,能够把物质的高压态永久地封存在其中,成功摆脱了传统压力装置的物理束缚而能如普通材料一样在常压条件下独立存在,扫除了高压态物质基础研究和应用的一个主要障碍。这一创新性成果于8月17日在国际顶级学术期刊《自然》上发表。
How does nanostructured silicon deform has been the subject of a long-standing debate over the past decade. Now recent research from a team of scientists led by Dr. Zhidan Zeng from HPSTAR clarifies that pressure-induced phase transitions play a key role in the plastic deformation of compressed silicon nanoparticles. Their findings are reported in Physical Review Letters (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.185701).
Caption: A schematic diagram showing the experimental setup and the different mechanisms of plasticity in relative large and small silicon nanoparticles.
硅材料是微电子产业最重要的基础材料,也是整个现代信息社会的基石。随着集成电路的特征线宽不断降低,对硅材料的高精度加工早已从宏观尺寸跨入了纳米尺寸。因此,硅在纳米尺度的机械性能对于集成电路工业具有越来越重要的意义, 在过去十几年吸引了大量的理论和实验研究。众所周知,晶体硅是一种典型的脆性材料。有趣的是,科学家却在各种硅纳米材料中观察到了明显的压应力诱导塑性形变, 但是过去的研究对于这种塑形形变的机理却长期存在争议。最近,北京高压科学中心的研究小组利用高压原位同步辐射径向X射线衍射技术精确测定了硅纳米颗粒发生塑性形变过程中的应力、应变和原子结构变化, 从而澄清了其塑性的微观机理,相关成果以“Origin of Plasticity in Nanostructured Silicon”为题发表于近期的《物理评论快报》(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.185701)上。
Diamond can be amorphous: from scenario to reality
AUGUST 22, 2017 — A team led by HPSTAR scientist, Dr. Zhidan Zeng synthesizes a new form of carbon—“amorphous diamond”—under high pressure and temperature (HPHT). This bulk amorphous diamond obtained under HPHT can be maintained to ambient conditions for potential applications, realizing possible the hardest amorphous (glass) material ever discovered. This work is recently published as an article by Nature Communications (Synthesis of quenchable amorphous diamond. Nature Communications, 2017).
金刚石是天然存在的硬度最高的材料,同时还具有最高的弹性模量(体模量),最高的原子密度、最高的热导率等优异性质。这些优异性能和其特殊结构有关。本研究采用玻璃碳(glassy carbon)作为起始材料,利用高压原位激光加温技术首次成功合成了块体状的100% sp3 共价键的新型非晶态碳材料。通过同步辐射x 射线衍射、高分辨电子显微镜及电子能量损失谱等多种实验手段,一致证明这种新型碳材料具有典型非晶态结构,且材料内部所有碳原子间的共价键都是sp3 键,因而是真正的“非晶态金刚石”。非晶态金刚石的合成说明金刚石并不是唯一的全部碳原子都以sp3 键结合的碳材料,改变了我们对碳材料的传统认知。“非晶态金刚石”由于其无序的原子结构而具备非晶材料各向同性的特点,且材料内部不存在晶界、位错等传统晶体缺陷,又因高强度sp3 共价键的存在而很可能具备接近甚至超越单晶金刚石的优异性能(高压原位同步辐射x 射线衍射实验已经证实其体模量高于金刚石),作为一种新型的超硬材料,可能在众多科学技术领域取得重要应用。
Lithiation-inducedstress in Li-ion batteries from micro-Raman Spectroscopy
Stress is along standing challenge for the applications of silicon(Si) anodesin lithium(Li)ion batteries. Using in situ micro Raman spectroscopy, a team ofscientists led by Dr. Zhidan Zeng at the Center for High Pressure Science &Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR) measured the stress in siliconnanoparticles in a working Li-ion battery for the first time. This new studywould be helpful in understanding how the nanostructured silicon anodesfracture during battery operation, and therefore provide guidance for theirfuture design.
List of publications:
1. Zhidan Zeng, Jianguo Wen, Hongbo Lou, Xin Zhang, Liuxiang Yang, Lijie Tan, Benyuan Cheng, Xiaobing Zuo, Wenge Yang, Wendy L. Mao*, Ho-kwang Mao*, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Preservation of high-pressure volatiles in nanostructured diamond capsules, Nature, 608, 513 (2022).
2. Tao Liang, Lianghua Xiong, Hongbo Lou, Fujun Lan, Junran Zhang, Ye Liu, Dongsheng Li, Q.S. Zeng,* Zhidan Zeng,* Mechanical properties of hexagonal silicon, Scripta Materialia, 220, 114936 (2022).
3. Tao Liang, Qing Yu, Ziliang Yin, Songyi Chen, Ye Liu, Yanping Yang, Hongbo Lou, Baolong Shen, Zhidan Zeng, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Spatial resolution limit for nanoindentation mapping on metallic glasses, Materials, 15(18), 6319 (2022).
4. Zhang, Junran; Liang, Tao; Lu, Yunhao; Xu, Binjie; Deng, Tianqi; Zhang, Yiqiang; Zhidan Zeng*; Pi, Xiaodong; Yang, Deren; Wang, Rong*, Effect of Hexagonality on the Pressure-dependent Lattice Dynamics of 4H-SiC, New Journal of Physics, accepted (2022)
5. Xin Zhang, Hengwei Luan, Hongbo Lou, Tao Liang, Songyi Chen, Dazhe Xu, Ziliang Yin, Liang Wang, Jianrong Zeng, Yang Ren, Zhidan Zeng, Yang Shao, Ke-Fu Yao,* Qiaoshi Zeng,* Highly Tunable Chemical Short-Range Order in a High-Entropy Metallic Glass, Mater. Today Phys., 27, 100799 (2022).
6. Xin Zhang, Hongbo Lou, Fei Zhang, Hengwei Luan, Tao Liang, Shubin Li, Xiehang Chen, Yang Shao, Ke-Fu Yao, Zhidan Zeng, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Pressure-induced structural crossover in a high-entropy metallic glass,Phys. Rev. B, 105, 224201 (2022).
7. Songyi Chen, Dazhe Xu, Xin Zhang, Xiehang Chen, Ye Liu, Tao Liang, Ziliang Yin, Sheng Jiang, Ke Yang, Jianrong Zeng, Hongbo Lou, Zhidan Zeng, Qiaoshi Zeng,* Reversible linear compression behavior of free volume in a metallic glass, Phys. Rev. B, 105, 144201 (2022).
8. Hu Tang, Xiaohong Yuan, Yong Cheng, Hongzhan Fei, Fuyang Liu, Tao Liang, Zhidan Zeng, Takayuki Ishii, Ming-Sheng Wang, Tomoo Katsura, Howard Sheng*, Huiyang Gou*, Synthesis of Paracrystalline Diamond, Nature, 599, 605-610 (2021).
9. Xiehang Chen, Hongbo Lou, Zhidan Zeng, Benyuan Cheng, Xin Zhang, Ye Liu, Dazhe Xu, Ke Yang, Q.S. Zeng,* Structural transitions of 4:1 methanol-ethanol mixture and silicone oil under high pressure, MRE, 6, 038402 (2021).
10. Zhi Chen,† Zhaoyue Sun,† Fujun, Lan, Xin Zhang, Ziliang Yin, Ye Liu, Zhidan Zeng, Yang Ren, Hongbo Lou,* Baolong Shen, Q.S. Zeng, * Quantifying a partial polyamorphic transition in a Ce-based metallic glass during cooling, J. Appl. Phys., 130, 145901 (2021). († equal contribution authors)
11. Tao Liang, Fei Zhang, Xin Zhang, Xiehang Chen, Songyi Chen, Hongbo Lou, Zhidan Zeng, Dazhe Xu, Ke Yang, Yuming Xiao, Paul Chow, Baolong Sheng, Q.S. Zeng,* Pressure-induced spin transition in a Fe78Si9B13 metallic glass, J. Appl. Phys., 129, 165901 (2021).
12. Ziliang Yin, Hongbo Lou, Hongwei Sheng, Zhidan Zeng, Wendy L. Mao, and Qiaoshi Zeng, Polyamorphism in a solute-lean Al–Ce metallic glass, J. Appl. Phys., 129, 025108 (2021)
13. Yuanyuan Xuan, Lijie Tan, Benyuan Cheng, Fei Zhang, Xiehang Chen, Mingyuan Ge, Qiaoshi Zeng, Zhidan Zeng*, Pressure-induced phase transitions in nanostructured silicon, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 27089–27096 (2020).
14. Ye Liu, Hongbo Lou, Fei Zhang, Tao Liang, Songyi Chen, Shubin Li, Lijie Tan, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Yanping Yang, Zhidan Zeng, Qiaoshi Zeng, Pressure-induced crystallization of an amorphous martensite alloy, J. Appl. Phys., 128, 085901 (2020).
15. Benyuan Cheng, Hongbo Lou, Abhishek Sarkar, Zhidan Zeng, Fei Zhang, Xiehang Chen, Lijie Tan, K. Glazyrin, H.-P. liermann, Jingyuan Yan, Liang Wang, Ruzica Djenadic, Horst Hahn, Qiaoshi Zeng, Lattice distortion and stability of (Co0.2Cu0.2Mg0.2Ni0.2Zn0.2)O high-entropy oxide under high pressure, Mater. Today Adv., 8, 100102 (2020)
16. Zhidan Zeng*, Qiaoshi Zeng, Mingyuan Ge, Bin Chen, Hongbo Lou, Xiehang Chen, Jinyuan Yan, Wenge Yang, Ho-kwang Mao, Deren Yang, Wendy L. Mao, Origin of plasticity in nanostructured silicon, Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 185701 (2020)
17. Lijie Tan, Hongwei Sheng, Benyuan Cheng, Hongbo Lou, Yuanyuan Xuan, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Qiaoshi Zeng, Fang Peng, Zhidan Zeng*, High-pressure tetrahedral amorphous carbon synthesized by compressing glassy carbon at room temperature, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 5489 (2020).
18. Hongbo Lou, Zhidan Zeng, Fei Zhang, Songyi Chen, Peng Luo, Xiehang Chen, Yang Ren, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Clemens Prescher, Xiaobing Zuo, Jianguo Wen, Weihua Wang, Hongwei Shen, Q.S. Zeng*, Two-way tuning of structural ordering states in a metallic glass, Nat. Commun., 11, 314 (2020)
19. Shubin Li, Fujun Lan, Songyi Chen, Di Peng, Yuankan Fang, Ren-Shu Wang, Hongbo Lou, Xin Zhang, Zhidan Zeng, Xiao-Jia Chen, Dong Qian, Q.S. Zeng, Bulk intrinsic heterogeneity of metallic glasses probed by Meissner effect, Intermetallics, 119, 106721 (2020)
20. Benyuan Cheng, Hongbo Lou, Abhishek Sarkar, Zhidan Zeng, Fei Zhang, Xiehang Chen, Lijie Tan, Vitali Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Jianguo Wen, Ruzica Djenadic, Horst Hahn, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Pressure induced tuning of lattice distortion in a high-entropy oxide, Communs. Chem., 2, 114 (2019).
21. Zhidan Zeng*, Hongwei Sheng, Liuxiang Yang, Hongbo Lou, Lijie Tan, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Qiaoshi Zeng,Structural transition in cold-compressed glassy carbon,Phys. Rev. Mater.,3, 033608 (2019)
22. Lijie Tan, Zhidan Zeng*, Hongbo Lou, Fei Zhang, Xiehang Chen, Songyi Chen, Yuanyuan Xuan, Fang Peng*, Qiaoshi Zeng, Stability of Zirconium Carbide Under High Pressure and High Temperature, J. Phys. Chem. C, 123, 10051 (2019)
23. Fei Zhang, Hongbo Lou, Benyuan Cheng, Zhidan Zeng, and Qiaoshi Zeng*, High-pressure induced phase transitions in high-entropy alloys: A review, Entropy, 21(3), 239 (2019)
24. Liang Wang, Fei Zhang, Zhihua Nie, Lu Wang, Fuchi Wang, Benpeng Wang, Shangcheng Zhou, Yunfei Xue,* Benyuan Cheng, Hongbo Lou, Xiehang Chen, Yang Ren, Dennis E. Brown, Vitali Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Zhidan Zeng, Qiaoshi Zeng,* Abundant polymorphic transitions in the Al0.6CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy, Mater. Today Phys., 8, 1 (2019).
25. Benyuan Cheng, Fei Zhang, Hongbo Lou, Xiehang Chen, Peter K. Liaw, Jinyuan Yan, Zhidan Zeng, Yang Ding, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Pressure-induced phase transition in the AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy, Scripta Mater., 161, 88 (2018)
26. Fei Zhang, Hongbo Lou, Songyi Chen, Xiehang Chen, Zhidan Zeng, Jinyuan Yan, Wuxin Zhao, Yuan Wu, Zhaoping Lu*, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Effects of non-hydrostaticity and grain size on the pressure-induced phase transition of the CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy, J. Appl. Phys., 124, 115901 (2018).
27. Zhidan Zeng, Liuxiang Yang, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Hongbo Lou, Hongwei Sheng, Jianguo Wen*, Dean J. Miller, Yue Meng, Wenge Yang, Wendy L. Mao, and Ho-kwang Mao*, Synthesis of quenchable amorphous diamond, Nat. Commun., 8, 322 (2017).
28. Qiaoshi Zeng*, Zhidan Zeng, Hongbo Lou, Yoshio Kono, Bo Zhang, Curtis Kenney-Benson, Changyong Park, and Wendy Mao, Pressure-induced elastic anomaly in a polyamorphous metallic glass, Appl. Phys. Lett., 110, 221902 (2017).
29. Fei Zhang†, Yuan Wu†, Hongbo Lou†, Zhidan Zeng, Vitali Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Yang Ren, Jinyuan Yan, John S. Okasinski, Yong Liu, Qiaoshi Zeng*, and Zhaoping Lu*, Polymorphism in a high-entropy alloy, Nat. Commun., 8, 15687 (2017).
30. Zhidan Zeng, Nian Liu, Qiaoshi Zeng, Seok Woo Lee, Wendy L. Mao, and Yi Cui, In situ measurement of lithiation-induced stress in silicon nanoparticles using micro-Raman spectroscopy, Nano Energy, 22, 105 (2016).
31. Qiaoshi Zeng, Yu Lin, Yijin Liu, Zhidan Zeng, Crystal Y. Shi, Bo Zhang, Hongbo Lou, Stanislav V. Sinogeikin, Yoshio Kono, Curtis Kenney-Benson, Changyong Park, Wenge Yang, Weihua Wang, Hongwei Sheng, Ho-kwang Mao, and Wendy L. Mao, A general 2.5 power law of metallic glasses, PNAS, 113, 1714 (2016).
32. Yang Ding, Liuxiang Yang, Cheng-Chien Chen, Heung-Sik Kim, Myung Joon Han, Wei Luo, Zhenxing Feng, Mary Upton, Diego Casa, Jungho Kim, Thomas Gog, Zhidan Zeng, Gang Cao, Ho-kwang Mao, and Michel van Veenendaal, Pressure-induced confined metal from the Mott insulator Sr3Ir2O7, Phys. Rev. Lett., 116, 216402 (2016).
33. Zhidan Zeng*, Qingfeng Zeng, Nian Liu, Artem R. Oganov, Qiaoshi Zeng, Yi Cui, and Wendy L. Mao*, A novel phase of Li15Si4 synthesized under pressure, Adv. Energy Mater., 5, 1500214 (2015).
34. Zhao Zhao, Qiaoshi Zeng, Haijun Zhang, Shibing Wang, Shigeto Hirai, Zhidan Zeng, Wendy. L. Mao, Structural transition and amorphization in compressed alpha-Sb2O3, Phys. Rev. B, 91, 184112 (2015).
35. Qiaoshi Zeng, Yoshio Kono, Yu Lin, Zhidan Zeng, Junyue Wang, Stanislav V. Sinogeikin, Changyong Park, Yue Meng, Wenge Yang, Ho-Kwang Mao, Wendy L Mao, Universal fractional noncubic power law for density of metallic glasses, Phys. Rev. Lett. , 112, 185502 (2014).
36. Zhidan Zeng*, Qiaoshi Zeng, Wendy L Mao, Shaoxing Qu, Phase transitions in metastable phases of silicon, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 103514 (2014).
37. Zhidan Zeng, Nian Liu, Qiaoshi Zeng; Yang Ding; Shaoxing Qu; Yi Cui; Wendy L Mao, Elastic moduli of polycrystalline Li15Si4 produced in lithium ion batteries, J. Power Sources, 242, 732 (2013)
38. Qiaoshi Zeng, Wendy L. Mao, Hongwei Sheng, Zhidan Zeng, Qingyang Hu, Yue Meng, Hongbo Lou, Fang Peng, Wenge Yang, Stanislav V. Sinogeikin, and Jianzhong Jiang, The effect of composition on pressure-induced devitrification in metallic glasses, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 171905 (2013)
39. Zhidan Zeng, J. D. Murphy, R. J. Falster, Xiangyang Ma, Deren Yang, and P. R. Wilshaw, The effect of impurity-induced lattice strain and Fermi level position on low temperature oxygen diffusion in silicon, J. Appl. Phys., 109, 063532 (2011).
40. Zhidan Zeng, Lin Wang, Xiangyang Ma, Shaoxing Qu, Jiahe Chen, Yonggang Liu and Deren Yang, Improvement in the mechanical performance of Czochralski silicon under indentation by germanium doping, Scripta. Mater., 64, 832 (2011).
41. Zhidan Zeng, Jiahe Chen, Yuheng Zeng, Xiangyang Ma, Deren Yang, Immobilization of dislocations by oxygen precipitates in Czochralski silicon: Feasibility of precipitation strengthening mechanism, J. Cryst. Growth, 324, 93 (2011).
42. Zhidan Zeng, Xiangyang Ma*, Jiahe Chen, Yuheng Zeng,Deren Yang, Yonggang Liu, Effects of heavy phosphorus-doping on mechanical properties of Czochralski silicon, J. Appl. Phys., 107, 123503 (2010).
43. Zhidan Zeng, Xiangyang Ma, Jiahe Chen, Yuheng Zeng, Deren Yang, I Ratschinski, F Hevroth, HS Leipner, Effect of oxygen precipitates on dislocation motion in Czochralski silicon, J. Cryst. Growth, 312, 169 (2010).
44. Zhidan Zeng, XY Ma, JH Chen, DR Yang, Influences of Oxygen Precipitation on Vickers Hardness of Czochralski Silicon, Chinese J. rare metals (in Chinese), 33, 758 (2009).
45. YH Zeng, JH Chen, XY Ma, Zhidan Zeng, DR Yang, Grown-in defects in heavily phosphorus-doped Czochralski silicon, Physica B, 404, 4619 (2009).
46. JH Chen, DR Yang, XY Ma, Zhidan Zeng, DX Tian, LB Li, DL Que, LF Gong, Influence of germanium doping on the mechanical strength of Czochralski silicon wafers, J. Appl. Phys., 103, 123521 (2008).
47. YH Zeng, DR Yang, XY Ma, Zhidan Zeng, DL Que, LF Gong, DX Tian, LB Li, A chromium-free etchant for delineation of defects in heavily doped n-type silicon wafers, Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process., 11, 131 (2008).
Invited talk at DeepVolatiles, Energy & Environments Summit, March 2018
Experiments at GSECARS, APS, Argonne National Lab
Talk at The 28th international conference on diamond and carbon materials, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2017
We are looking for new postdoc and graduate students (both Ph.D. and Master) with a background in materials science, condensed matter physics or related areas.
Contact us (zengzd@hpstar.ac.cn) for more information.
Contact information:
Email: zengzd@hpstar.ac.cn
Phone: +86 (21) 8017-7093
Address: 上海市浦东区蔡伦路1690号6号楼304室,邮编201203
Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research(HPSTAR)
1690 Cailun Rd, Bldg 6, Room 304,Pudong, Shanghai 201203, China
Welcome to High Pressure Energy materials group!
Our research is focused on using various high pressure techniques to understand the structure and properties of energy-rlated materials and group-14 elements (carbon, silicon, germanium, and related materials) under extremeconditions; synthesis of novel super-hard materials; mechanical properties and deformation of materials.
Diamond can be amorphous: from scenario to reality
AUGUST 22, 2017 — A team led by HPSTAR scientist, Dr. Zhidan Zeng synthesizes a new form of carbon—“amorphous diamond”—under high pressure and temperature (HPHT). This bulk amorphous diamond obtained under HPHT can be maintained to ambient conditions for potential applications, realizing possible the hardest amorphous (glass) material ever discovered. This work is recently published as an article by Nature Communications (Synthesis of quenchable amorphous diamond. Nature Communications, 2017).
金刚石是天然存在的硬度最高的材料,同时还具有最高的弹性模量(体模量),最高的原子密度、最高的热导率等优异性质。这些优异性能和其特殊结构有关。本研究采用玻璃碳(glassy carbon)作为起始材料,利用高压原位激光加温技术首次成功合成了块体状的100% sp3 共价键的新型非晶态碳材料。通过同步辐射x 射线衍射、高分辨电子显微镜及电子能量损失谱等多种实验手段,一致证明这种新型碳材料具有典型非晶态结构,且材料内部所有碳原子间的共价键都是sp3 键,因而是真正的“非晶态金刚石”。非晶态金刚石的合成说明金刚石并不是唯一的全部碳原子都以sp3 键结合的碳材料,改变了我们对碳材料的传统认知。“非晶态金刚石”由于其无序的原子结构而具备非晶材料各向同性的特点,且材料内部不存在晶界、位错等传统晶体缺陷,又因高强度sp3 共价键的存在而很可能具备接近甚至超越单晶金刚石的优异性能(高压原位同步辐射x 射线衍射实验已经证实其体模量高于金刚石),作为一种新型的超硬材料,可能在众多科学技术领域取得重要应用。
PI: Dr. Zhidan Zeng is a staff scientist at Shanghai Laboratory of HPSTAR. Dr. Zeng earned her B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at Zhejiang University in 2006, and her Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering at Zhejiang University in 2011.
Her research interest is using various high pressure techniques to understand the structure and properties of group-14 elements (carbon, silicon, germanium, and related materials) and energy related materials under extreme conditions; synthesis of novel super-hard materials; mechanical properties and deformation of materials. Dr. Zeng has published more than 30 papers in international journals including Nature Communications, Phys. Rev. Letts., PNAS, Advanced Energy Materials, and Nano Energy, etc.
研究聚焦于面向碳材料、硅材料等重要能源材料领域的基础科研问题,利用先进的高压、高/低温原位同步辐射X射线技术结合其他先进的材料表征技术,研究材料在极端环境下的结构和性质转变,探索高压下新材料的合成。在国内外多个同步辐射光源(例如:美国先进光源ALS、阿贡国家实验室先进光子源APS、欧洲同步辐射光源ESRF、日本同步辐射光源Spring-8、上海同步辐射光源等)有丰富的研究经验,近年来取得了一系列开创性成果,在Nature, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, PNAS, Advanced Energy Materials, Nano Energy, Physical Review B, Applied Physics Letters等国际权威期刊发表论文数十篇,引用一千二百余次。
Contact information:
Email: zengzd@hpstar.ac.cn
Phone: +86 (21) 8017-7093
Address: 上海市浦东区蔡伦路1690号6号楼304室,邮编201203
Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research(HPSTAR)
1690 Cailun Rd, Bldg 6, Room 304,Pudong, Shanghai 201203, China
Selected publications:
1. Zhidan Zeng, Jianguo Wen, Hongbo Lou, Xin Zhang, Liuxiang Yang, Lijie Tan, Benyuan Cheng, Xiaobing Zuo, Wenge Yang, Wendy L. Mao*, Ho-kwang Mao*, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Preservation of high-pressure volatiles in nanostructured diamond capsules, Nature, 608, 513 (2022).
2. Zhidan Zeng*, Qiaoshi Zeng, Mingyuan Ge, Bin Chen, Hongbo Lou, Xiehang Chen, Jinyuan Yan, Wenge Yang, Ho-kwang Mao, Deren Yang, Wendy L. Mao, Origin of plasticity in nanostructured silicon, Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 185701 (2020)
3. Zhidan Zeng*, Hongwei Sheng, Liuxiang Yang, Hongbo Lou, Lijie Tan, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Qiaoshi Zeng,Structural transition in cold-compressed glassy carbon,Phys. Rev. Mater., 3, 033608 (2019)
4. Zhidan Zeng, Liuxiang Yang, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Hongbo Lou, Hongwei Sheng, Jianguo Wen*, Dean J. Miller, Yue Meng, Wenge Yang, Wendy L. Mao, and Ho-kwang Mao*, Synthesis of quenchable amorphous diamond, Nat. Commun., 8, 322 (2017).
5. Hongbo Lou, Zhidan Zeng, Fei Zhang, Songyi Chen, Peng Luo, Xiehang Chen, Yang Ren, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Clemens Prescher, Xiaobing Zuo, Jianguo Wen, Weihua Wang, Hongwei Shen, Q.S. Zeng*, Two-way tuning of structural ordering states in a metallic glass, Nat. Commun.,11, 314 (2020)
6. Zhidan Zeng, Nian Liu, Qiaoshi Zeng, Seok Woo Lee, Wendy L. Mao*, and Yi Cui*, In situ measurement of lithiation-induced stress in silicon nanoparticles using micro-Raman spectroscopy, Nano Energy, 22, 105 (2016).
7. Zhidan Zeng*, Qingfeng Zeng, Nian Liu, Artem R. Oganov, Qiaoshi Zeng, Yi Cui, and Wendy L. Mao*, A novel phase of Li15Si4 synthesized under pressure, Adv. Energy Mater., 5, 1500214 (2015).
Preservation of the high-pressure states of materials at ambient conditions is a long-sought-after goal for fundamental research and practical applications. A team of scientists led by Drs. Zhidan (Denise) Zeng, Qiaoshi Zeng, and Ho-Kwang Mao from the Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR) and Prof. Wendy Mao from Stanford University report an innovative breakthrough where they were able to maintain the extraordinary properties of high-pressure materials in free-standing, nanostructured diamond capsules without the support of traditional bulky pressure vessels. Their work was recently published in Nature.
Caption: A perspective cartoon drawing of nanostructured diamond capsules (NDCs) with high-pressure argon nanodomains embedded in the matrix. Modern diagnostic probes such as hard/soft x-ray, ultraviolet-visible-infrared light, electron, and neutron beams are all applicable to the NDCs samples for investigations.
"将高压下产生的各种新奇物理、化学现象保留到常压”一直是基础研究和材料应用领域的一个长期追求的梦想。最近,北京高压科学研究中心曾桥石研究员带领的研究团队朝着这一梦想取得了里程碑式突破 ¾ 他们制备了一种金刚石构成的纳米压力舱复合材料,能够把物质的高压态永久地封存在其中,成功摆脱了传统压力装置的物理束缚而能如普通材料一样在常压条件下独立存在,扫除了高压态物质基础研究和应用的一个主要障碍。这一创新性成果于8月17日在国际顶级学术期刊《自然》上发表。
How does nanostructured silicon deform has been the subject of a long-standing debate over the past decade. Now recent research from a team of scientists led by Dr. Zhidan Zeng from HPSTAR clarifies that pressure-induced phase transitions play a key role in the plastic deformation of compressed silicon nanoparticles. Their findings are reported in Physical Review Letters (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.185701).
Caption: A schematic diagram showing the experimental setup and the different mechanisms of plasticity in relative large and small silicon nanoparticles.
硅材料是微电子产业最重要的基础材料,也是整个现代信息社会的基石。随着集成电路的特征线宽不断降低,对硅材料的高精度加工早已从宏观尺寸跨入了纳米尺寸。因此,硅在纳米尺度的机械性能对于集成电路工业具有越来越重要的意义, 在过去十几年吸引了大量的理论和实验研究。众所周知,晶体硅是一种典型的脆性材料。有趣的是,科学家却在各种硅纳米材料中观察到了明显的压应力诱导塑性形变, 但是过去的研究对于这种塑形形变的机理却长期存在争议。最近,北京高压科学中心的研究小组利用高压原位同步辐射径向X射线衍射技术精确测定了硅纳米颗粒发生塑性形变过程中的应力、应变和原子结构变化, 从而澄清了其塑性的微观机理,相关成果以“Origin of Plasticity in Nanostructured Silicon”为题发表于近期的《物理评论快报》(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.185701)上。
Diamond can be amorphous: from scenario to reality
AUGUST 22, 2017 — A team led by HPSTAR scientist, Dr. Zhidan Zeng synthesizes a new form of carbon—“amorphous diamond”—under high pressure and temperature (HPHT). This bulk amorphous diamond obtained under HPHT can be maintained to ambient conditions for potential applications, realizing possible the hardest amorphous (glass) material ever discovered. This work is recently published as an article by Nature Communications (Synthesis of quenchable amorphous diamond. Nature Communications, 2017).
金刚石是天然存在的硬度最高的材料,同时还具有最高的弹性模量(体模量),最高的原子密度、最高的热导率等优异性质。这些优异性能和其特殊结构有关。本研究采用玻璃碳(glassy carbon)作为起始材料,利用高压原位激光加温技术首次成功合成了块体状的100% sp3 共价键的新型非晶态碳材料。通过同步辐射x 射线衍射、高分辨电子显微镜及电子能量损失谱等多种实验手段,一致证明这种新型碳材料具有典型非晶态结构,且材料内部所有碳原子间的共价键都是sp3 键,因而是真正的“非晶态金刚石”。非晶态金刚石的合成说明金刚石并不是唯一的全部碳原子都以sp3 键结合的碳材料,改变了我们对碳材料的传统认知。“非晶态金刚石”由于其无序的原子结构而具备非晶材料各向同性的特点,且材料内部不存在晶界、位错等传统晶体缺陷,又因高强度sp3 共价键的存在而很可能具备接近甚至超越单晶金刚石的优异性能(高压原位同步辐射x 射线衍射实验已经证实其体模量高于金刚石),作为一种新型的超硬材料,可能在众多科学技术领域取得重要应用。
Lithiation-inducedstress in Li-ion batteries from micro-Raman Spectroscopy
Stress is along standing challenge for the applications of silicon(Si) anodesin lithium(Li)ion batteries. Using in situ micro Raman spectroscopy, a team ofscientists led by Dr. Zhidan Zeng at the Center for High Pressure Science &Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR) measured the stress in siliconnanoparticles in a working Li-ion battery for the first time. This new studywould be helpful in understanding how the nanostructured silicon anodesfracture during battery operation, and therefore provide guidance for theirfuture design.
List of publications:
1. Zhidan Zeng, Jianguo Wen, Hongbo Lou, Xin Zhang, Liuxiang Yang, Lijie Tan, Benyuan Cheng, Xiaobing Zuo, Wenge Yang, Wendy L. Mao*, Ho-kwang Mao*, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Preservation of high-pressure volatiles in nanostructured diamond capsules, Nature, 608, 513 (2022).
2. Tao Liang, Lianghua Xiong, Hongbo Lou, Fujun Lan, Junran Zhang, Ye Liu, Dongsheng Li, Q.S. Zeng,* Zhidan Zeng,* Mechanical properties of hexagonal silicon, Scripta Materialia, 220, 114936 (2022).
3. Tao Liang, Qing Yu, Ziliang Yin, Songyi Chen, Ye Liu, Yanping Yang, Hongbo Lou, Baolong Shen, Zhidan Zeng, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Spatial resolution limit for nanoindentation mapping on metallic glasses, Materials, 15(18), 6319 (2022).
4. Zhang, Junran; Liang, Tao; Lu, Yunhao; Xu, Binjie; Deng, Tianqi; Zhang, Yiqiang; Zhidan Zeng*; Pi, Xiaodong; Yang, Deren; Wang, Rong*, Effect of Hexagonality on the Pressure-dependent Lattice Dynamics of 4H-SiC, New Journal of Physics, accepted (2022)
5. Xin Zhang, Hengwei Luan, Hongbo Lou, Tao Liang, Songyi Chen, Dazhe Xu, Ziliang Yin, Liang Wang, Jianrong Zeng, Yang Ren, Zhidan Zeng, Yang Shao, Ke-Fu Yao,* Qiaoshi Zeng,* Highly Tunable Chemical Short-Range Order in a High-Entropy Metallic Glass, Mater. Today Phys., 27, 100799 (2022).
6. Xin Zhang, Hongbo Lou, Fei Zhang, Hengwei Luan, Tao Liang, Shubin Li, Xiehang Chen, Yang Shao, Ke-Fu Yao, Zhidan Zeng, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Pressure-induced structural crossover in a high-entropy metallic glass,Phys. Rev. B, 105, 224201 (2022).
7. Songyi Chen, Dazhe Xu, Xin Zhang, Xiehang Chen, Ye Liu, Tao Liang, Ziliang Yin, Sheng Jiang, Ke Yang, Jianrong Zeng, Hongbo Lou, Zhidan Zeng, Qiaoshi Zeng,* Reversible linear compression behavior of free volume in a metallic glass, Phys. Rev. B, 105, 144201 (2022).
8. Hu Tang, Xiaohong Yuan, Yong Cheng, Hongzhan Fei, Fuyang Liu, Tao Liang, Zhidan Zeng, Takayuki Ishii, Ming-Sheng Wang, Tomoo Katsura, Howard Sheng*, Huiyang Gou*, Synthesis of Paracrystalline Diamond, Nature, 599, 605-610 (2021).
9. Xiehang Chen, Hongbo Lou, Zhidan Zeng, Benyuan Cheng, Xin Zhang, Ye Liu, Dazhe Xu, Ke Yang, Q.S. Zeng,* Structural transitions of 4:1 methanol-ethanol mixture and silicone oil under high pressure, MRE, 6, 038402 (2021).
10. Zhi Chen,† Zhaoyue Sun,† Fujun, Lan, Xin Zhang, Ziliang Yin, Ye Liu, Zhidan Zeng, Yang Ren, Hongbo Lou,* Baolong Shen, Q.S. Zeng, * Quantifying a partial polyamorphic transition in a Ce-based metallic glass during cooling, J. Appl. Phys., 130, 145901 (2021). († equal contribution authors)
11. Tao Liang, Fei Zhang, Xin Zhang, Xiehang Chen, Songyi Chen, Hongbo Lou, Zhidan Zeng, Dazhe Xu, Ke Yang, Yuming Xiao, Paul Chow, Baolong Sheng, Q.S. Zeng,* Pressure-induced spin transition in a Fe78Si9B13 metallic glass, J. Appl. Phys., 129, 165901 (2021).
12. Ziliang Yin, Hongbo Lou, Hongwei Sheng, Zhidan Zeng, Wendy L. Mao, and Qiaoshi Zeng, Polyamorphism in a solute-lean Al–Ce metallic glass, J. Appl. Phys., 129, 025108 (2021)
13. Yuanyuan Xuan, Lijie Tan, Benyuan Cheng, Fei Zhang, Xiehang Chen, Mingyuan Ge, Qiaoshi Zeng, Zhidan Zeng*, Pressure-induced phase transitions in nanostructured silicon, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 27089–27096 (2020).
14. Ye Liu, Hongbo Lou, Fei Zhang, Tao Liang, Songyi Chen, Shubin Li, Lijie Tan, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Yanping Yang, Zhidan Zeng, Qiaoshi Zeng, Pressure-induced crystallization of an amorphous martensite alloy, J. Appl. Phys., 128, 085901 (2020).
15. Benyuan Cheng, Hongbo Lou, Abhishek Sarkar, Zhidan Zeng, Fei Zhang, Xiehang Chen, Lijie Tan, K. Glazyrin, H.-P. liermann, Jingyuan Yan, Liang Wang, Ruzica Djenadic, Horst Hahn, Qiaoshi Zeng, Lattice distortion and stability of (Co0.2Cu0.2Mg0.2Ni0.2Zn0.2)O high-entropy oxide under high pressure, Mater. Today Adv., 8, 100102 (2020)
16. Zhidan Zeng*, Qiaoshi Zeng, Mingyuan Ge, Bin Chen, Hongbo Lou, Xiehang Chen, Jinyuan Yan, Wenge Yang, Ho-kwang Mao, Deren Yang, Wendy L. Mao, Origin of plasticity in nanostructured silicon, Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 185701 (2020)
17. Lijie Tan, Hongwei Sheng, Benyuan Cheng, Hongbo Lou, Yuanyuan Xuan, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Qiaoshi Zeng, Fang Peng, Zhidan Zeng*, High-pressure tetrahedral amorphous carbon synthesized by compressing glassy carbon at room temperature, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 5489 (2020).
18. Hongbo Lou, Zhidan Zeng, Fei Zhang, Songyi Chen, Peng Luo, Xiehang Chen, Yang Ren, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Clemens Prescher, Xiaobing Zuo, Jianguo Wen, Weihua Wang, Hongwei Shen, Q.S. Zeng*, Two-way tuning of structural ordering states in a metallic glass, Nat. Commun., 11, 314 (2020)
19. Shubin Li, Fujun Lan, Songyi Chen, Di Peng, Yuankan Fang, Ren-Shu Wang, Hongbo Lou, Xin Zhang, Zhidan Zeng, Xiao-Jia Chen, Dong Qian, Q.S. Zeng, Bulk intrinsic heterogeneity of metallic glasses probed by Meissner effect, Intermetallics, 119, 106721 (2020)
20. Benyuan Cheng, Hongbo Lou, Abhishek Sarkar, Zhidan Zeng, Fei Zhang, Xiehang Chen, Lijie Tan, Vitali Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Jianguo Wen, Ruzica Djenadic, Horst Hahn, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Pressure induced tuning of lattice distortion in a high-entropy oxide, Communs. Chem., 2, 114 (2019).
21. Zhidan Zeng*, Hongwei Sheng, Liuxiang Yang, Hongbo Lou, Lijie Tan, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Qiaoshi Zeng,Structural transition in cold-compressed glassy carbon,Phys. Rev. Mater.,3, 033608 (2019)
22. Lijie Tan, Zhidan Zeng*, Hongbo Lou, Fei Zhang, Xiehang Chen, Songyi Chen, Yuanyuan Xuan, Fang Peng*, Qiaoshi Zeng, Stability of Zirconium Carbide Under High Pressure and High Temperature, J. Phys. Chem. C, 123, 10051 (2019)
23. Fei Zhang, Hongbo Lou, Benyuan Cheng, Zhidan Zeng, and Qiaoshi Zeng*, High-pressure induced phase transitions in high-entropy alloys: A review, Entropy, 21(3), 239 (2019)
24. Liang Wang, Fei Zhang, Zhihua Nie, Lu Wang, Fuchi Wang, Benpeng Wang, Shangcheng Zhou, Yunfei Xue,* Benyuan Cheng, Hongbo Lou, Xiehang Chen, Yang Ren, Dennis E. Brown, Vitali Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Zhidan Zeng, Qiaoshi Zeng,* Abundant polymorphic transitions in the Al0.6CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy, Mater. Today Phys., 8, 1 (2019).
25. Benyuan Cheng, Fei Zhang, Hongbo Lou, Xiehang Chen, Peter K. Liaw, Jinyuan Yan, Zhidan Zeng, Yang Ding, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Pressure-induced phase transition in the AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy, Scripta Mater., 161, 88 (2018)
26. Fei Zhang, Hongbo Lou, Songyi Chen, Xiehang Chen, Zhidan Zeng, Jinyuan Yan, Wuxin Zhao, Yuan Wu, Zhaoping Lu*, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Effects of non-hydrostaticity and grain size on the pressure-induced phase transition of the CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy, J. Appl. Phys., 124, 115901 (2018).
27. Zhidan Zeng, Liuxiang Yang, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Hongbo Lou, Hongwei Sheng, Jianguo Wen*, Dean J. Miller, Yue Meng, Wenge Yang, Wendy L. Mao, and Ho-kwang Mao*, Synthesis of quenchable amorphous diamond, Nat. Commun., 8, 322 (2017).
28. Qiaoshi Zeng*, Zhidan Zeng, Hongbo Lou, Yoshio Kono, Bo Zhang, Curtis Kenney-Benson, Changyong Park, and Wendy Mao, Pressure-induced elastic anomaly in a polyamorphous metallic glass, Appl. Phys. Lett., 110, 221902 (2017).
29. Fei Zhang†, Yuan Wu†, Hongbo Lou†, Zhidan Zeng, Vitali Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Yang Ren, Jinyuan Yan, John S. Okasinski, Yong Liu, Qiaoshi Zeng*, and Zhaoping Lu*, Polymorphism in a high-entropy alloy, Nat. Commun., 8, 15687 (2017).
30. Zhidan Zeng, Nian Liu, Qiaoshi Zeng, Seok Woo Lee, Wendy L. Mao, and Yi Cui, In situ measurement of lithiation-induced stress in silicon nanoparticles using micro-Raman spectroscopy, Nano Energy, 22, 105 (2016).
31. Qiaoshi Zeng, Yu Lin, Yijin Liu, Zhidan Zeng, Crystal Y. Shi, Bo Zhang, Hongbo Lou, Stanislav V. Sinogeikin, Yoshio Kono, Curtis Kenney-Benson, Changyong Park, Wenge Yang, Weihua Wang, Hongwei Sheng, Ho-kwang Mao, and Wendy L. Mao, A general 2.5 power law of metallic glasses, PNAS, 113, 1714 (2016).
32. Yang Ding, Liuxiang Yang, Cheng-Chien Chen, Heung-Sik Kim, Myung Joon Han, Wei Luo, Zhenxing Feng, Mary Upton, Diego Casa, Jungho Kim, Thomas Gog, Zhidan Zeng, Gang Cao, Ho-kwang Mao, and Michel van Veenendaal, Pressure-induced confined metal from the Mott insulator Sr3Ir2O7, Phys. Rev. Lett., 116, 216402 (2016).
33. Zhidan Zeng*, Qingfeng Zeng, Nian Liu, Artem R. Oganov, Qiaoshi Zeng, Yi Cui, and Wendy L. Mao*, A novel phase of Li15Si4 synthesized under pressure, Adv. Energy Mater., 5, 1500214 (2015).
34. Zhao Zhao, Qiaoshi Zeng, Haijun Zhang, Shibing Wang, Shigeto Hirai, Zhidan Zeng, Wendy. L. Mao, Structural transition and amorphization in compressed alpha-Sb2O3, Phys. Rev. B, 91, 184112 (2015).
35. Qiaoshi Zeng, Yoshio Kono, Yu Lin, Zhidan Zeng, Junyue Wang, Stanislav V. Sinogeikin, Changyong Park, Yue Meng, Wenge Yang, Ho-Kwang Mao, Wendy L Mao, Universal fractional noncubic power law for density of metallic glasses, Phys. Rev. Lett. , 112, 185502 (2014).
36. Zhidan Zeng*, Qiaoshi Zeng, Wendy L Mao, Shaoxing Qu, Phase transitions in metastable phases of silicon, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 103514 (2014).
37. Zhidan Zeng, Nian Liu, Qiaoshi Zeng; Yang Ding; Shaoxing Qu; Yi Cui; Wendy L Mao, Elastic moduli of polycrystalline Li15Si4 produced in lithium ion batteries, J. Power Sources, 242, 732 (2013)
38. Qiaoshi Zeng, Wendy L. Mao, Hongwei Sheng, Zhidan Zeng, Qingyang Hu, Yue Meng, Hongbo Lou, Fang Peng, Wenge Yang, Stanislav V. Sinogeikin, and Jianzhong Jiang, The effect of composition on pressure-induced devitrification in metallic glasses, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 171905 (2013)
39. Zhidan Zeng, J. D. Murphy, R. J. Falster, Xiangyang Ma, Deren Yang, and P. R. Wilshaw, The effect of impurity-induced lattice strain and Fermi level position on low temperature oxygen diffusion in silicon, J. Appl. Phys., 109, 063532 (2011).
40. Zhidan Zeng, Lin Wang, Xiangyang Ma, Shaoxing Qu, Jiahe Chen, Yonggang Liu and Deren Yang, Improvement in the mechanical performance of Czochralski silicon under indentation by germanium doping, Scripta. Mater., 64, 832 (2011).
41. Zhidan Zeng, Jiahe Chen, Yuheng Zeng, Xiangyang Ma, Deren Yang, Immobilization of dislocations by oxygen precipitates in Czochralski silicon: Feasibility of precipitation strengthening mechanism, J. Cryst. Growth, 324, 93 (2011).
42. Zhidan Zeng, Xiangyang Ma*, Jiahe Chen, Yuheng Zeng,Deren Yang, Yonggang Liu, Effects of heavy phosphorus-doping on mechanical properties of Czochralski silicon, J. Appl. Phys., 107, 123503 (2010).
43. Zhidan Zeng, Xiangyang Ma, Jiahe Chen, Yuheng Zeng, Deren Yang, I Ratschinski, F Hevroth, HS Leipner, Effect of oxygen precipitates on dislocation motion in Czochralski silicon, J. Cryst. Growth, 312, 169 (2010).
44. Zhidan Zeng, XY Ma, JH Chen, DR Yang, Influences of Oxygen Precipitation on Vickers Hardness of Czochralski Silicon, Chinese J. rare metals (in Chinese), 33, 758 (2009).
45. YH Zeng, JH Chen, XY Ma, Zhidan Zeng, DR Yang, Grown-in defects in heavily phosphorus-doped Czochralski silicon, Physica B, 404, 4619 (2009).
46. JH Chen, DR Yang, XY Ma, Zhidan Zeng, DX Tian, LB Li, DL Que, LF Gong, Influence of germanium doping on the mechanical strength of Czochralski silicon wafers, J. Appl. Phys., 103, 123521 (2008).
47. YH Zeng, DR Yang, XY Ma, Zhidan Zeng, DL Que, LF Gong, DX Tian, LB Li, A chromium-free etchant for delineation of defects in heavily doped n-type silicon wafers, Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process., 11, 131 (2008).
Invited talk at DeepVolatiles, Energy & Environments Summit, March 2018
Experiments at GSECARS, APS, Argonne National Lab
Talk at The 28th international conference on diamond and carbon materials, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2017
We are looking for new postdoc and graduate students (both Ph.D. and Master) with a background in materials science, condensed matter physics or related areas.
Contact us (zengzd@hpstar.ac.cn) for more information.
Contact information:
Email: zengzd@hpstar.ac.cn
Phone: +86 (21) 8017-7093
Address: 上海市浦东区蔡伦路1690号6号楼304室,邮编201203
Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research(HPSTAR)
1690 Cailun Rd, Bldg 6, Room 304,Pudong, Shanghai 201203, China