Center for High Pressure Science &Technology Advanced Research

Graduate studentship and postdoctoral research fellow of PUMA group at HPSTAR

The Progressive Ultrahigh-pressure Multi-Anvil (PUMA) research group in the High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR) is seeking motivated students and postdocs wishing to investigate the properties of mantle minerals and rocks under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions to understand the structure, evolution, and dynamics of the Earth and planetary interiors.

The primary tool of the PUMA group is the large-volume multi-anvil press (LVP). Although many research groups at the HPSTAR adopt the diamond anvil cell as their primary tool, we adopt the LVP because of its high reliability: the sample pressures and temperatures are more precise, stable, and homogeneous by one order of magnitude, and obtained results are highly reproducible. In contrast to most LVP laboratories globally, we have the following advanced technologies.

1.    We can generate pressures up to 50 GPa, corresponding to the depth of 1500 km in the Earth [Ishii et al., 2019; 2022]. This pressure range is twice broader as in other laboratories (25 GPa).

2.    We can generate temperatures up to 3000 K [Xie et al., 2021a], which is 1.5 times broader than others (up to 1800 K). This technique allows us, for example, to melt peridotite completely [Xie et al., 2021b].

3.    We have an advanced technique of synchrotron in situ X-ray observation to determine phase relations precisely and accurately [Ishii et al., 2019; Chanyshev et al., 2022].

4.    We can quench hydrous and ultramafic melts into glasses with ten times faster cooling rates [Bondar et al., 2020; 2021; 2022]. This technique allows us to investigate the properties of mantle melts using various post-analysis.

5.    We can generate a highly homogeneous temperature field to prevent solid-melt segregation and investigate partial-melting rocks [Zarei et al., 2017].

Using these special techniques, we conduct unique research about the high P-T properties of geomaterials, leading to profound insights into the Earth and planetary interiors. In parallel, these techniques will be further developed, aming to study deeper regions of the Earth interior. Furthermore, since these techniques are also valuable in synthesizing high-quality high P-T samples, we also conduct various investigations on these samples through various techniques, such as single-crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction, Raman, infrared, and Brillouin spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray inelastic scattering and absorption spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, secondary-ion mass spectrometry, micro-scanning calorimetry, and micro-indentation hardness and toughness measurement, in collaboration with excellent external researchers.

The PUMA group is currently composed of the following two members:

Dr. Takayuki Ishii (Group leader, https://takayukiishii104.wixsite.com/website)

Prof. Tomoo Katsura (Joint affiliation, https://katsurabgi.jimdo.com/)

The PUMA group leader, T. Ishii, governs the research group and will primarily supervise all students and postdocs. Since T. Katsura is jointly affiliated with HPSTAR as a distinguished visiting scientist and mainly with the University of Bayreuth, Germany, he usually communicates remotely but stays in HPSTAR for two months every year. The PUMA group has a meeting every week for intensive discussion. Since the current members are Japanese, all communications will be made via plain English.

The laboratory is well-equipped with sufficient funds and a strong scientific atmosphere. Each member will have the opportunity to attend domestic and international scientific meetings more than once a year. We also work with international collaborators worldwide and provide you with international experiences (e.g., the United States, Germany, France, and Japan).

Applicants must have geoscience, physics, chemistry, or materials science background. In addition, English communication ability at the CET-4 or CET-6 level, or equivalent, is required. The application should be composed of, for the studentship, (1) a cover letter explaining the research interest and motivation, (2) CV, (3) transcripts of the undergraduate and graduate courses, and, for the postdoctoral fellowship, (1) a cover letter, (2) CV including a publication list, (3) a concise but concrete explanation of current and previous research. (4) a possible research plan. These materials will be combined into one pdf file and sent to takayuki.ishii@hpstar.ac.cn and tomo.katsura@hpstar.ac.cn via email by August 31, 2022. The application and interviews within the PUMA group will make the first-stage selection. The HPSTAR will make a final decision in the second-stage selection. Successful applicants will be financially supported according to the HPSTAR’s policy.

【In Chinese】 




1.    我们可以产生高达50GPa的压力,相当于地球上1500公里的深度[Ishii等人,2019;2022]。这个压力范围比其他实验室(25GPa)宽了一倍。

2.    我们可以产生高达3000K的温度[Xie等人,2021a],这比其他实验室(高达1800K)宽了1.5倍。例如,这种技术使我们能够完全熔化橄榄岩[Xie等人,2021b]。

3.    我们拥有先进的同步辐射原位X射线观测技术,可以精确地确定相位关系[Ishii et al., 2019; Chanyshev et al., 2022] 。

4.    我们可以用十倍的冷却速度将水态和超基性熔体淬炼成玻璃[Bondar等人,2020;2021;2022]。这项技术使我们能够利用各种后期分析来研究地幔熔体的特性。

5.    我们可以产生一个高度均匀的温度场,以防止固体与熔体的隔离,并研究部分熔化的岩石[Zarei等人,2017]。



Takayuki Ishii博士(组长,https://takayukiishii104.wixsite.com/website)


PUMA小组组长T. Ishii负责管理该研究小组,并将主要指导所有学生和博士后。由于T. Katsura作为杰出的访问科学家与HPSTAR共同隶属,并主要与德国拜罗伊特大学合作,他通常进行远程交流,但每年会在HPSTAR停留两个月。PUMA小组每周都有一次会议进行深入讨论。由于目前的成员都是日本人,所有的交流都会通过普通英语进行。










  (4) 一份可能的研究计划。

这些材料将合并成一个pdf文件,并在2022年8月31日前通过电子邮件发送给takayuki.ishii@hpstar.ac.cn 和tomo.katsura@hpstar.ac.cn。PUMA组内的申请和面试将进行第一阶段的选择。HPSTAR将在第二阶段选择中做出最终决定。成功的申请人将根据HPSTAR的政策获得财政支持。